2019 NYC Marathon - Patricia Johnson

Name: Patricia Johnson

Why did you join TMIRCE? I joined TMIRCE when I moved to New York in January. I thought I would try a few different run clubs until I found one that I liked, but I ran with TMIRCE first and you have been stuck with me ever since J


Tell us your running backstory. I have been running casually on and off since college, but I got into running more seriously and consistently a couple of years ago when I had to stop other competitive sports due to injury.


Why did you enter the TMIRCE NYC Marathon lottery? Because I wanted to run the NYC marathon ;). Seriously though, I’m doing 9 + 1 for 2020, but I was excited/impatient and didn’t want to wait until next year.


What number marathon will the 2019 NYC Marathon be for you? The NYC marathon will be my first successful marathon. My last attempt was a disaster and now I'm looking forward to redemption!


What excites you most about the NYC Marathon? I’m excited to race with my TMIRCE friends! Jenny, Chris, Anthony, Colleen and Catherine, you guys have been working so hard all season and I’m excited to see it all come together for you on race day!


What scares you the most about the NYC Marathon? Racing with the other 50 000+ people; I’m not a fan of crowds haha.


Tell us a fun fact (not running related) about yourself. I have the world’s sweetest cat. Her name is Audrey.


What’s your favorite distance? My favorite race distance is 10K, but the 5K is really growing on me.


What’s your favorite post-race food? Does coffee or beer count?


What lessons has running taught you? Running has taught me that its ok to do things that I’m not good at; I’m not a great runner and that’s ok. I am having a lot of fun trying to improve.
